Blissful Bedtime for Little Ones

Create a calming bedtime routine with our activities. Watch your child drift into deep, restful sleep.

Nurture bedtime calmness.
Embrace the joy of restful
nights together.


Transform bedtime with 'Sleep' activities. Relax, embrace joy, and drift into blissful slumber.


Give Kids the gift of blissful sleep with our transformative "Sleep" experience. In this category, you'll find a variety of exercises and techniques to create a calm and soothing environment for your child's sleep time. We'll guide them through mindful technique like the body scan technique, which will help them release any tension and worries from their day, allowing their bodies to fully relax. Our mindfulness activities will help your child embrace positive thoughts and feelings, creating a peaceful and joyful mindset as they prepare for sleep.


Spark joy with mindful melodies. Embrace tranquility, let worries fade, and awaken refreshed with soothing relaxation techniques.


Indulge your child in a world of tranquility with our soothing relaxation music. In this category, your child will discover a world of beautiful sounds and enchanting tunes that will spark their imagination and fill their hearts with joy. Through the process of handpicking the stories, involving parents and children in the testing process and having our talented team of experienced storytellers bring these captivating narratives to life, our collection of music will create a serene atmosphere and offer calming techniques that are designed to help your child let go of any worries or restlessness.


Daily records to idDiscover magical bedtime stories for peaceful sleep. Spark imagination and life lessons.entify and positively express feelings


Embark on amazing adventures with our captivating bedtime stories. In this category, your child will embark on thrilling adventures that will transport them to magical realms and introduce them to brave heroes and whimsical creatures. Created based-on personalized experience and the most science-based relaxation techniques, our story helps children to spark their imagination and ignite a sense of wonder within them. Through stories such as Franco’s sad spot and The alligator story, your child will not only be entertained but also learn valuable life lessons and explore important concepts in a magical and relatable way

Explore the
Magical World

Calm Kids
for free
Play, sleep, listen, learn—day or night
Timer and reminder feature to help build good habits
Audio stories for sleep, anxiety, calming down and focusing
Track your children's moods and emotions
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