Calm Kids

Mindfulness, Sleep, Stories and Yoga
Team Calm Kids
We understand the importance of mental and physical well-being in today's fast-paced world, and we believe that mindfulness is a key tool to promote calm and balance in children's lives.

Together, we are on a mission to empower children with mindfulness techniques and watch them grow into their best selves.

Join us in our journey!

7 Calming and Creative Mindfulness Activities for Kids

Mindfulness has been shown to alter brain structure and function in the amygdala (emotions), hippocampus (learning and memory), and prefrontal cortex (planning and decision-making) (self-regulation). These domains are critical for a child's cognitive, social, and emotional development and well-being. It will help to develop a calm child. It is unquestionably beneficial to teach a youngster mindfulness.

Creative mindfulness activities may help your children live more balanced lives if they learn them early. Kids who practice creative mindfulness activities become more conscious of their emotions, and their ideas become more present. Parents may assist their children in developing their capacity to live in the present and lead more appreciative lives by adapting calming strategies for kids.

So, how do you persuade your kid to practice mindfulness activities for children when getting them to sit still is a mammoth feat in itself? Make it seem like they're both playing and doing the activity simultaneously. Here are seven creative mindfulness activities for kids of all ages to start with:

Posing with Intention

Body postures are a simple approach for youngsters to practice mindfulness activities for children. Tell your kids that practicing interesting positions may make them feel strong, bold, and joyful to get them enthusiastic. Take the children to someplace peaceful and comfortable, where they will feel protected. Then urge them to attempt one of the positions below:

·  Standing with feet just wider than hips, fists clenched, and arms stretched up to the sky, the Superman posture gets performed by extending the body as tall as possible. 

·  Wonder Woman strikes this position by standing tall with legs wider than hip-width apart and hands or fists on the hips.

After a few rounds of attempting any of these stances, ask the kids how they feel. You could be pleasantly surprised.


While we're on the topic of superheroes, this may be a good "next step" in teaching kids to be a calm child.

·  Instruct your children to use their "Spidey senses," which are the super-focused senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch that Spiderman employs to keep track of his surroundings. This will urge them to take a breath and concentrate their attention on the current moment. It will become a mindful moment for kids, making them more aware of their senses' information.

These basic mindful and calming strategies for kids promote observation and curiosity, two critical human abilities.

Mindful Glitter Jar

This calming strategy for kids educates them on how intense emotions can take hold and find serenity when they feel overwhelmed.

·  First, fill a transparent jar nearly to the top with water. After that, fill the jar with a large spoonful of glitter. To make the glitter whirl, replace the lid on the jar and shake it.

·  Finally, tell the child about it.

"Imagine that the glitter represents your anxious, angry, or disturbing thoughts. Notice how they twirl about, making it difficult to see clearly? That's why, when you're unhappy, it's so easy to make rash judgments because you're not thinking correctly. Don't worry; this is quite normal and occurs to everyone."

·  Place the jar in front of them now.

·  Now see what happens if you remain stationary for a few seconds. Keep an eye on things. Take a look at how the glitter settles, and the water clears. In the same manner, your mind functions. After a short period of peace, your mind begins to relax, and you begin to see things more clearly. When we're going through this relaxing process, taking deep breaths might help us quiet down when we're feeling a lot of emotions.

Deep Breathing with Intention

Deep breathing is an excellent approach to calm kids, manage their emotions, and connect with their bodies in the present moment. If your kid suffers from anxiety, focusing on attentive deep breathing for a few minutes each day might help them develop self-control and reduce tension.

·  To begin, have your child take a deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds, and then release it gently. 

·  Encourage them to repeat this for 3 to 5 minutes after they've gotten the hang of it. It may seem straightforward, but encouraging young toddlers to concentrate is difficult.

Texture Walks

This is one of the best mindfulness activities for children, ideal for doing outside or in your garden. 

·  Close your children's eyes and have them walk over diverse textures such as grass or damp sand. 

·  Inquire about their feelings: Is the air dry? Is it chilly outside? Is it supple? 

It helps youngsters calm down their thinking and enhance their gross motor abilities by concentrating on what they feel in one portion of their body.

Taste Tests While Blindfolded

·  Place a blindfold over your child's eyes and ask them to take a little mouthful of food, such as chocolate or pineapple. 

·  Request that they explain the food's texture and flavor in detail. 

This activity improves their descriptive abilities and teaches kids how to concentrate on one task at a time. 


The Safari activity is an excellent approach to teach mindfulness to children and to calm child. These creative mindfulness activities transform a routine stroll into a thrilling new experience.

·  Tell your kids you're going on a safari and that their mission is to see as many birds, bugs, creepy-crawlies, and other creatures as possible. Anything that walks, crawls, swims, or flies will pique their curiosity. 

·  They'll need to utilize all of their senses to locate it, particularly the little ones.

The Bottom Line

Mindfulness activities for children may have a long-term influence on their psychological, social, and cognitive well-being. Students' capacity to handle stress may get aided by mindfulness meditation, which may also lead to a greater sense of well-being. Applications such as Calm Kids are ideal for providing a mindful moment for kids, which is essential for a child's good mental and physical development.

Just download the Calm Kids app on your phone and start doing mindfulness exercises with your children. This app will help your child raise their well-being and empower them to confront the world's pressures with the present, self-compassion, and openness by teaching them meditation and mindfulness methods.

Calm Kids

Mindfulness, Sleep, Stories and Yoga

Calm Kids
